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Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company – OIC NEW is the leading science and technology enterprise in Vietnam successfully applying Nanotechnology in the field of aquaculture.

OIC NEW always listens to the needs and evaluations of farmers to continuously improve technology and improve ourselves, wishing to bring customers the best quality products and services.

With the goal: Raising clean shrimp without using antibiotics. OIC NEW is committed to bringing the highest quality, safest and most effective products to shrimp farmers.


OIC NEW is one of the first units to successfully prepare the smallest nanoparticles on the market today (20-30nm), with standard materials – as well as secrets of formulas, our nanoproducts are completely soluble in water, increasing bioavailability hundreds of times compared to original materials, achieving both high efficiency and safety in disease prevention, ensuring standards for Microbiology in the field of aquaculture.

Nanoproducts from natural compounds of OIC NEW are all protected by Patents of Exclusive Invention and and Beneficial Solutions by the National Office of Intellectual Property for Preparation Process – Clear evidence of the potential of R&D and quality for the products.
Currently, OIC NEW is focusing on high-tech human resources to be able to create platforms to apply Nano technology and NanoBiotechnology to create new generation Nano systems from natural active ingredients capable of inhibiting Beta lactamase production from antibiotic resistant bacteria.


OIC NEW always has a need to cooperate with domestic and foreign partners. Wishing to bring Vietnamese intellectual products to the world.
With a team of leading experts in the field of aquaculture; OIC New receives orders to research nanoproducts from natural herbs with Nano preparation Process and exclusive formulas.


48 $
  • Enhances resistance and resistance response
  • Prevents white feces syndrome, hepatopancreas in shrimp
  • Enhances liver function, liver tonic, detoxification, prevention of liver diseases, especially hepatopancreatic function in shrimp, prevention of liver swelling (liver necrosis)
48 $
  • Makes shrimp and fish become resistant to gases such as NH3, high-rising H2S in ponds.
  • Makes shrimp and fish grow fast, promote growth, enhance immunity
  • Quickly and safely solves the floating of shrimp and fish, pulling the flock due to lack of oxygen in the water
48 $
  • Supports shell and body redness in shrimp.
  • Improves resistance for shrimp and fish against changes in temperature and pH of the environment.
  • Enhances immune system function in shrimp and fish
21 $
  • Effectively supports the prevention of white spot, red body disease (WSSV), empty bowel disease, bottom drop (iridescent virus – Decapod Iridescent Virus 1 (DIV1))
  • Supports effective prevention of Yellow Head Virus (YHV)
  • Effectively supports the prevention of gill-associated virus (GAV)
  • Againsts a wide range of infections caused by a variety of gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms including Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Pasteurella pestis, Escherichia coli and Diplococcus pneumoniae
  • Enhances resistance for shrimp and fish due to changes in temperature and pH of the environment
  • Enhances immune system function in shrimp and fish
  • Supports hepatopancreatic detoxification
48 $
33,6 $
  • Effectively prevents white spot syndrome, red body, yellow head, gill related syndromes
  • Supports effective prevention of bowel disease, bottom drop (iridescent virus)
  • Enhances immune system function in shrimp and fish.
  • Supports hepatopancreatic detoxification.
48 $
  • Supports to enhance immunity for shrimp from 4 to 35 days old
  • Supports the prevention of hepatopancreas disease, white spot syndrome, yellow head disease, black spot syndrome, intestinal emptying disease, bottom drop…
48 $
  • Inhibits EHP and prevents EHP infection
  • Prevents diseases and ends white feces in shrimp
  • Quickly removes EHP from shrimp
  • Provides necessary micronutrients to enhance the activity of the liver, pancreas and stimulate metabolism
  • Provides micronutrients to help shrimp and fish digest food well
  • Supports to enhance resistance against fungi, microorganisms and EHP microspores
48 $
33,6 $
  • Provides necessary enzymes for enhancing liver activity, stimulating metabolism for shrimp and fish
  • Provides enzymes to help shrimp and fish digest food well, reduces FCR for shrimp and fish
  • Helps strengthen the resistance and immune system for shrimp and fish
  • Overcomes fragmentation, loose feces and enlarged intestinal tract in shrimp and fish
  • Enhances the ability to inhibit and limit the two-celled parasite Gregarine that causes slow growth and scattered death of shrimp
  • Enhance the ability to inhibit and limit Vermiform parasites that cause white feces disease for shrimp and fish
  • Supports better drug absorption when curing, preventing disease and increases Vibrio bacteria inhibition
125 $
87,5 $
  • Supports effective prevention, reduction of virulence and control of biofilm production, destruction of the EHP microspore biofilm matrix, gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria
  • Supports effective prevention of hepatopancreatic disease in shrimp and fish caused by bacteria
  • Improves resistance for shrimp and fish against changes in temperature and pH of the environment
  • Strengthens immune system function in shrimp and fish
  • Supports hepatopancreatic detoxification
48 $
  • Strengthens the immune system, reduces stress and improves the overall health of shrimp and fish.
  • Prevents antibiotic resistant bacteria (Beta Lactamase), helps shrimp avoid infections that cause mass mortality in shrimp and fish.
  • Destroys biofilm and biofilm dot matrix in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

Outstanding certification

Council for appraisal of industrial enterprises under Hanoi Department of Science and Technology in the field of Fisheries
This is the 8th assessment council for DNKHCN for OIC New.
OIC New honored Thang Long Enterprise
OIC New representative received the City’s Certificate of Merit
Certificate of Merit from the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises
Inventor Luu Hai Minh received a certificate of merit from the HANOISME Association
Commendation flag of Hanoi City
OIC NEW is the only science and technology enterprise in Hanoi to receive the rotating flag of the Chairman of Hanoi City.

Certificate of Merit from Hanoi City

OIC NEW has been awarded certificates of merit to outstanding individuals and groups for consecutive years by the Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee




21 September, 2023
Hanoi City Technical Innovation Contest is organized to promote the creative labor movement of all levels, sectors, organizations and individuals in the fields of science and technology, promote the effective application of technical topics/solutions in production and life, contributing to socio-economic development, industrialization and modernization of the city. Nano Fisheries has registered to participate in […]
21 September, 2023
Nhat Hai New Technology Joint Stock Company (OIC NEW), a famous enterprise for the number of research projects and applications of Nano technology in the production of Pharmaceutical materials, Health Protection Foods, Aquatic and livestock disease prevention products in Vietnam, preliminarily priced by a financial organization in the US according to International Standards on Intellectual […]
21 September, 2023
Since Nano Fisheries launched 10 effective nano products in preventing shrimp diseases, we have always received enthusiastic support and very good feedback from customers when experiencing the products. That is the motivation for Nano Fisheries to always try and improve to bring the best new products to shrimp farmers. To aim for interesting experiences and […]
21 September, 2023
In order to encourage and motivate the lagoon owners who have applied Nano Aquaculture’s nanotechnology to clean shrimp farming and achieved excellent results after the harvested shrimp reached the size of 15-20 shrimp/kg. On the 2nd of July, 2023, OIC NEW’s staff and engineers came directly to present gifts and certificates to shrimp farm owners […]
21 September, 2023
How to recognize the symptoms of Koi fish disease It is important for a Koi fish breeder to understand your fish. From there you will discover their abnormalities, for example, a change in their appetite can also be a sign telling you the condition of the Koi fish. Koi fish will have specific feeding times […]
21 September, 2023
Koi fish are a type of carp that easily adapts to new living environments. However, they are quite picky about their water environment and like cleanliness. Koi are very susceptible to parasitic and fungal diseases if the water quality is poor and unhygienic. The article below OIC NEW summarizes 10 common diseases in Koi fish […]
21 September, 2023
On the 23rd of June, 2023, Vietnam Academy of Agriculture organized “Job Fair 2023” attracting 68 businesses to participate in recruitment with nearly 4,000 internship and job opportunities registered. Coming to this year’s job fair, in addition to students and alumni of the Vietnam Academy of Agriculture, there were also students from universities, colleges, and […]
21 September, 2023
I. Context Vietnam has many advantages to develop shrimp farming and processing shrimp products, especially in the Mekong Delta, which accounts for 95% of shrimp production and is also the center of shrimp processing factories. In recent years, shrimp has increasingly accounted for a large proportion of our country’s total seafood export turnover. In 2022, […]


Chairman of the board and R&D Director
General Manager
Deputy General Manager. Master of Applied Science – University of Sydney, Australia
Director of strategy